


Should I Buy Test Strips from Marketplaces or

Team Xeteor
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Why should I buy from your website when you sell the same products in online marketplaces (i.e. Amazon, Dealbar)? 

The short answer is you should buy where you feel most comfortable and with the most convenience for you. We list our products in online marketplaces because we want to be wherever consumers are shopping for test strips.  It's like having a downtown location and a shopping mall location, different locations with different consumers buying the same products.

Since marketplaces take a percentage of the sale, we must reduce the amount of service we provide in order to make money. We call this our "Lite" service. 

Service  Marketplace (Lite)      
Pick Expiration Dates No Yes
Customer Service by Phone      No Yes
Customer Service by Email      Yes Yes
Personalized Service No Yes
Discount Coupons No Yes
Rewards Program No Yes
Lowest Price No Yes
Priority Shipping No Yes
Heavy Duty Mailers No Yes
Insulated Thermal Mailer Yes Yes
Bubble Wrap Yes Yes
100 Day Return Policy Yes Yes
Paid Return Shipping Yes Yes

Overall, we provide similar or scaled down services with a few exceptions:

1.  Customer Service

We offer full customer service by phone or email at  Marketplaces do not allow us to provide customer service by phone.  We are required to use their messaging system to communicate with you.

2.  Personalized Service

We allow you to pick your exact expiration date before purchase at  Marketplaces only allow us to sell one expiration date.  We typically acknowledge our return customers and usually include a small gift with each order at  We are not allowed to do this in marketplaces.  

3.  Lowest Price

We offer our lowest prices at  You'll typically pay 10-20% less when you buy from us directly.  Through our " Deals" page, discount coupons provided through email and social media, as well as, our new rewards program, you'll likely save even more.

4.  Shipping

At, your order has the highest priority.  This means we ship all before Marketplace orders.  Usually this means your order will ship the same day you place it.  In addition, we use heavy duty thermal mailers on  For marketplaces, we use a lighter version.

Although we have very high customer service ratings in marketplaces, we go above and beyond for customers.  

A few examples:

We take extra effort to get your order to you before a weekend.  Recently, we had a few customers that placed orders on Thursday.  We hand delivered a local Las Vegas order.  We upgraded another customer to 2-Day shipping at no charge so their order would arrive on Saturday instead of Tuesday.

A customer that always orders a particular test strip recently ordered a different test strip.  We confirmed with the customer if they had made a mistake.  Sure enough they made a mistake and we were able to save them the time and hassle of a return.

Hopefully this gives you a good overview of how our services differ.  As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  


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