


Major Lubricating Plus Eye Drops Employee Review

Major Lubricating Plus Eye Drops Employee Review

Team Xeteor
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Staring at a screen all day puts a large strain on my eyes. It feels like I stuck my face out of a moving vehicle and never blinked. That’s how dry they feel 6 days a week.

Little did I know that Major’s Lubricating Eye Drops would be my life savior.

When I bought these eye drops, I didn’t know what to expect upon opening. Inside there were 6 white packets that filled the inside of the container. Each packet contained 5 adjoined Sterile Single-Use Containers. To use one container, you would peel it from it’s companion, and twist off the top. This top cannot be reconnected- since it’s single use only.

Trust me when I say that there are plenty of drops in that single container to share between two people. I will admit that it was a little disappointing that I couldn’t save the rest for later since the cap doesn’t screw back on, but it was worth my money.

In terms of how well it worked, it did wonders for my eye health. I would start by describing how large- or shall I say, tiny- each clear container is. It’s approximately half the size of a regular sized palm. The container itself is easy to use. I didn’t have to press hard for a drop, a gentle squeeze does the trick. Once the drop touched my eyeball, I immediately felt like it was taking a long awaited shower. It was satisfyingly refreshing. After placing 2 - 3 drops in each eye, I still had half a container left. I felt like it would be a waste to throw it away, so I let my friend use it- taking it back to when I said one container is useful for 2 individuals.

For 30 containers, it was priced at $11.99. What a steal, compared to the brand- Refresh Plus, that was sold at a price of $15+.

I highly recommend this product to anyone who has or had eye strain, burning, irritation , or discomfort in the eyes. 

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